This Movie is great. Its about a kid which can use four kind of powers and thats why he is called the “Avatar”. All the Other people has a specifec power like, Fire,Water,Earth and Air. All the Airbender’s have died and he is the last one left. The airbender’s are the people who have the power of “Air. Other people can only use on of the power. But he is one of the kind who can use all of the Fours powers.
Here is the Trailer of the movie.
How to download the movie?
1. First go to
2. Download the Torrent and wait until the movie is done and then Watch it Vlc Media player “for best quailty”.
If you don’t know how to download a movie on torrents then should probably check the tutorial linked below or search in this site.
Bye bye
See you in my next tutorial
By = Allpclovers